Hi Snook, My son was labeled L.D. at the age of 5 and he had yearly I.E.P.'s. I would let the school retest him to see his weaknesses and strengths, and if ever you are unhappy with the I.E.P., you can always ask for a hearing where the school will have to sit down and explain why they are or why they are not giving your son certain services that he needs. If you are unhappy with that, then you can grieve the process with the help of an attorney. The schools will usually try to accomodate you once they hear an attorney is involved, because they know if they lose the grivance, then they will not only have to give your son what he needs, they will also have to pick up the cost of your attorney's fees. Be dilligent, you are your son's best advocate. Thankfully, my son is now 13 and he was just unlabeled last year, because he was doing so well. Sincerely, Brenda.....
i was trying to get answers what if i refused to do this ie.p. they are trying to put in in a different school because i have creative all kinds of problems at his school now. the teachers are not certified to teach and now they want to remove him to get me out of the way. we are still waiting for answers from the d.o.e. and they have been working on this for more then two months. do you have any answer.