I'm just started this journey as a prospective adoptive mom (I do already have one son at home). There are so many choices, and I'd like to hear how people decided what was right for them--domestic vs. international, closed vs. open adoption, infant vs. older child, special needs, transracial issues, etc.
i am a single parent and the only feasable option for me was foster to adopt. in my state, daycare is payed for til the child is 13 years old and that is something that will take some of the financial burden away. i have a biracial child and from my perspective, it was not really an issue as to what race my child was (some family members have had issues but as far as i am concerned those are their issues not mine or my son's). i really wanted a child under 2 because i felt as a single woman who is employed full time outside of the home, i would not have enough time to commit to a child who may have attachment issues, and physical or emotional scars due to abuse and neglect and or multiple placements. i realize that young children could have these issues also or that older children may not but the likelyhood is much greater for older children. adopting from the state is often frustrating and heartbreaking (but as i continue to read these boards it seems as though domestic and international adoption are not without frustration and heartbreak), but the end reward if wonderful!