Are you thinking of me mom? Today's my birthday! I'm 30 yrs old today. I was born in Florida (miami Beach) and weighed 7lbs 11oz. I think my name was Baby Jocelyn? Might be wrong about that one. Anyhow, if you're thinking about me too, I just want you to know, that as far as I am concerned, you made a great decision. I have had a wonderful life so far. Thank you for allowing me to have 30 great years on this planet. Life is beautiful.
I am a birthmother, and not a day goes by that I don't think of my son ...He was born March 30, 1970...I am looking for him, I only pray that he is looking for me...Your letter was wonderful. I only hope my son is as happy about his life as you seem to be...Thanks for writing to your birthmom..:) :) :)