Dh and I are having hard time coming up with a boys name for some reason...when we had our son, we had no girl's name ready so it was a good thing he was a boy!
Now we just found out bmom will give birth to a boy... and all we have are girl's name (well we have some boy's names but so far nothing solid)....
Anyone have any good boy's names starting with these letters?
Looking for something a little different, but so different that no one will ever spell or say it incorrectly ( I have one of those names and...OY!)
I'd appreaciate the input.
P.S. Bmom's name starts with it would be kind of nice to incorporate that initial into the first or middle name...
Matthew seems to be the at the top of the list.---we actually chose this for our first son, until my father in law passed away and then names got switched.
Gift from G-d---seems like the perfect name for this's EXACTLY what he will be.
Besides--every Matthew I've ever known has been a really great guy --very positive image.
Thanks for all the MAZAL! We'll need it to get thru this process!
My husband and I had our hearts set on naming our son:
Andrew Simon. One day I was writing our daughter's initials and it occurred to me the HUGE error in our son's name:
Andrew Simon Surber
For those of you who don't catch on quickly; just check out the initials. Needless to say, I now have Travis David. And when we have our other boy his name will be Ezra Michael.
some unusual 'R' names I have come across are:
Riley Ramsey Reece
Raedell Raegan Reede
Roark Rassdun Raines
Another funny piece of advice: if you're looking for unusual names beginning with certain letters a phone book comes in handy. I know it's funny, but last name-first names are popular, unusual, and really cool.
Some examples are Parker, Carter, Conner, Tayler, etc.