My sister was given up to my mother best friends Susan and Lothar Reimann. In Maryland. My sisters name is Keira Lynn Reimann. Here last name at birth was pomeroy, her birth day is april 27 1977. Her birth mothers maiden name is Susan Jeen Pomeroy.Now it is Flavin. I am trying to find here be for my mother dies. She is dieing from degenaretiv bone disses and is not going to be a round very much longer. Her only thing she wants is to see her first borne and explane to her why she was given to her parents she has now. It has been all most 27 years since my mom has had the joy of holding her baby girl. IF any one out there can help me please do so . Iwould realy love to give my mom the most wonderful birthday presant of her life. Her birthday is july 7 .. PLEASE HELP ME FIND MY SISTER.. MOST THANKS TO ANY ONE THAT CAN HELP! PLEASE E- MAIL ME YOUR HELPFUL IN FO AT-- or or call (360) -496-6108 ask for Michelle thank you 05-20-2003 at 11:20 am..........:confused: