Jayden from Alabama

from Alabama
- Age 17
- Gender Male
- Location Alabama
- Ethnicity Other
- Case Number 59012017180MNS
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Jayden is a fourteen-year-old African American male born August 2008. Jayden is outgoing, polite, and friendly. He is inquisitive and asks a lot of questions. Jayden loves the outdoors and fishing. He also likes bey blades, watches (with numbers), fit-bits, and books (dogmen and comic-Marvel heroes). Jayden’s favorite sport is football and some of his favorite foods are cheeseburgers and pizza. One of his favorite restaurants is Golden Corral. Jayden is currently in 8th grade. His grades range between A’s, B’s & C’s. Jayden does sometimes like school but knows he needs to finish. His favorite subject is Math, and his least favorite is History.
Photos courtesy of Heart Gallery Alabama