Andreas from Bulgaria

from Bulgaria
- Age 18
- Gender Male
- Location Bulgaria
- Ethnicity Other
- Case Number AndreasHP
- My Siblings Apollo Yara
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Healthy, typically developing siblings Andreas, Apollo, and Yara were born in August 2006, October 2008, and October 2009, respectively. They have endured multiple residential placements since 2009, and at present, Andreas lives in an orphanage, while Apollo and Yara live in different foster homes. The children have visits with one another twice per month. Despite this history and the fact that they did not begin learning the primary language of their country until 2015, they have made notable progress in social-emotional skills, communication, and overall knowledge. Andreas, Apollo, and Yara all affirm their desire for a forever family to adopt them together.
ANDREAS is a conscientious, well-intentioned boy who easily engages with adults and peers and has many friends. He adapts to varied situations, shows good reasoning skills, and expresses himself very well. Andreas respects authority and follows the rules at his orphanage and at school. He is easy-going and patient, enjoys participating in group activities, and is a team player. Andreas is a diligent 7th grade student who receives good marks. He enjoys traditional folk dance, gymnastics, drawing, listening to music, and watching TV.
APOLLO is a curious boy who strives to behave well and to be thought of as a “good child”. He speaks in simple sentences and defends his opinions, but has some difficulty expressing his feelings. He can be slow to trust others and easily hurt. Apollo is taunted by peers at school, possibly for being part of an ethnic minority, and consequently his behavior there is much worse than it is at home. He is a 5th grade student working with a resource teacher due to gaps in reading and math and difficulty with concentration. His teacher shares that the positive influence of the foster family has made a significant impact on his overall development. Apollo enjoys sports and group activities, especially soccer and basketball, as well as playing games on a tablet and watching cartoons.
YARA is a charming, talkative girl who likes attention from adults. She has a strong vocabulary and is an excellent communicator. Yara eagerly assists with household chores and has a penchant for cleaning and keeping things in order. She is artistic and imaginative and enjoys drawing, coloring, and designing clothes for her dolls. Yara is a quick learner who reads and writes well. As a 4th grade student she has successfully caught up to her peers and shows mastery of the academic material. She desperately wants to be adopted and asks often whether a mommy has been found for her and her siblings.