Jett from European Union

from European Union
- Age 9
- Gender Male
- Location European Union
- Ethnicity Other
- Case Number JETT-EUROPE
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Jett was born in February 2016 and has been diagnosed with microcephaly, external hydrocephalus, and moderate cognitive delays. He is suspected to have Seckel syndrome.
Jett is an active, curious little boy who walks and runs independently and loves to jump and climb. He reaches for toys and explores them with his hands and mouth. Jett joyfully interacts with familiar people and likes listening to music and dancing to the rhythm. He vocalizes sound combinations and syllables but has no purposeful words. Jett is spoon-fed, wears diapers, and is fully dependent on his caregivers.
Weight at Birth: 1.980 kg
Height at Birth: 40 cm
Weight April 2021: 10 kg
Height April 2021: 100 cm
Head circumference April 2021: 41 cm