Handsome from Texas

from Texas
- Age 16
- Gender Male
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity Hispanic
- Case Number 78231
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Handsome is an imaginative and energetic child who loves exploring his environment. He is a sweet, happy child and is always smiling. He enjoys being active outdoors and can keep himself entertained with his toys indoors. Handsome also enjoys going to school and being engaged in school and community activities. He interacts very well with his peers at home and at school and loves initiating and organizing play with his peers on the playground. Handsome enjoys making conversation with the adults in his home and school. He is a very personable, lovable child. Handsome likes to take on the role of being in charge and will assist in any way that he can to help others. Visit me at the San Antonio Heart Gallery.
Handsome will benefit from continuity and predictability in his environment. He needs a family who is able to handle children with special needs and who will show him patience, guidance, and love. He needs a stable and nurturing family environment that will meet all of his needs. Handsome will do well in a home with kids who are younger or older than him.