Kiara from Pennsylvania

from Pennsylvania
- Age 17
- Gender Female
- Location Pennsylvania
- Ethnicity Other
- Case Number C21AA15
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Meet Kiara, a beautiful, young, resilient, sweet, sassy, and funny girl who loves to make other people laugh! She’s an avid card player and will challenge anyone to a game of rummy. Kiara can be a bit shy at first, but put on rap music, and she'll open up and sing along. She also loves to dance and watch videos that make her laugh. She enjoys arts and crafts and thrives when there is a hands-on activity. When the weather is nice, Kiara enjoys a long walk outside or spending time at the park. She has recently taken interest in putting on makeup and taking "selfies." Her perfect day would be having buffalo wings for lunch, shopping at Five Below, and ending the day with ice cream.
Kiara loves school. She looks forward to attending and learning, and she wants to work hard when she’s there. She enjoys attending church on Sunday mornings and was recently in a church play. Those who know her describe her as a giving and generous individual who enjoys talking to others and loves helping other people. Kiara sees herself being a phlebotomist someday. She’s always considerate towards others’ feelings and how they’re doing. Most of all, Kiara is excited about finding her forever family! Could that be you?
Parental rights have been terminated for Kiara.
For more information, a family can call SWAN helpline at 1-800-585-SWAN or have the family worker contact her recruiters, Lindsay Johnson, via telephone or email or Abby Ramsauer at