Jianna from Taiwan

from Taiwan
- Age 10
- Gender Female
- Location Taiwan
- Ethnicity Other
- Case Number JiannaTaiwan
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UPDATE Nov 2023: Sweet, sweet Jianna! We all enjoyed our time with her so much. She is just precious. She is 9 years old. She has global delays and is tiny for her age, so she seems younger than 9. She had so much fun stringing beads and matching colors. She was so happy with her own success. And if we all celebrated with her she was even happier. It was super sweet! She counts to 10 and speaks in short sentences. Her speech is clear and easy to understand. She tried hard to do all of the things we asked her to do. Her foster mother described her as gentle and affectionate. She likes to imitate and has a good imagination. She enjoys dressing up and singing and dancing. He favorite color is red and her favorite animal is the elephant. Jianna is a darling little girl who needs a family who will accept her fully and help her reach her full potential. Could that be your family? ORIGINAL POST: Gladney Superkids program is hopeful to travel to Taiwan in 2023. Please watch here for updates. If interested in volunteering, email superkids@gladney.org. We are excited to introduce Jianna! Jianna was born in 2014 and is 7.5 years old. Jianna's favorite activity is singing and preforming on stage at church. She has a good sense of rhythm, and she can hum the melody of songs she's only listened to once or twice! When Jianna isn't performing, she enjoys riding her bicycle and watching Sailor Moon. Those who know Jianna describe her as friendly and say she LOVES to laugh! Jianna has moderate cognitive, speech, and motor delays. She currently attends occupational, speech and physical therapy weekly. Jianna is enrolled in elementary school and attends special education classes. Her teacher noted she is able to identify colors, identify objects and their names, and speak in short sentences. Could you imagine yourself dancing and singing karaoke with Jianna? If you think you could be the right family for her, don’t hesitate to reach out to superkids@gladney.org to learn more about how to review her file! To protect a child's privacy, Taiwan has strict rules limiting public photos of children. To see more photos of Jianna, request to join Gladney's PRIVATE Taiwan Waiting Child Advocacy group on Facebook.