Adonis from Texas

from Texas
- Age 15
- Gender Male
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity African American
- Case Number 107509
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Adonis is a playful youth who enjoys going to church with his foster family. He is part of a youth group and was able to participate in a youth retreat over the summer. Adonis has a good faith support system that plays a positive role in his life. While Adonis is an introvert and it takes time for him to build trust with others, he does like to socialize and enjoys outings and being active. Adonis loves singing and enjoys participating in the school choir. He also enjoys spending time both indoors and outdoors. When spending time inside, Adonis loves to play video games, watch anime and collect Pok?mon cards. Some of his favorite outdoor activities include swimming, playing basketball and going to the park.
Adonis' forever family will be one that provides him with love and guidance. His family will be supportive of him participating in sports. It is important to Adonis that his family makes him feel as though he is part of the family unit.