Alina from Texas

from Texas
- Age 14
- Gender Female
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity Hispanic
- Case Number 94567
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Alina, who prefers to be called Ace, is an active youth who can be shy at first, but once you get to know her, she is chatty and a lot of fun to spend time with. Ace is polite and thrives with one-on-one attention. She loves to be outdoors and enjoys going to the park, playing basketball, riding bikes and skateboarding. Ace also enjoys fishing and bowling. Ace loves sports, both watching and playing. She also enjoys spending time with peers. Ace has taken a new interest in cooking and with the assistance of her caregivers, she has been able to make several different meals. Ace's favorite foods are pizza, ice cream and hot chips. She has recently expressed an interest in learning how to play the guitar. Ace enjoys attending school and her favorite subject is Math.
Ace's forever family will help her to build self-confidence and form healthy relationships with others. Her forever family will provide a stable environment for Ace, including regular daily routines and concrete behavioral expectations. Ace's family will encourage positive and appropriate social skills. Ace's adoptive family must be open to her maintaining a relationship with her siblings.