Alissandra from Texas

from Texas
- Age 13
- Gender Female
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity Hispanic
- Case Number 94568
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Alissandra, who prefers to go by Ali, is a funny and energetic young girl who loves fashion and any activities that allow her to use her creative abilities. She has a sweet and sassy personality. Ali can be very social once she gets to know you and feels comfortable. She makes friends easily and makes positive connections with trusted adults. Ali is thoughtful and cares deeply for others. She is very into music and takes pride in knowing the latest and most recent pop or rap hits. Ali stays current on the latest fashion trends, especially athletic footwear. She enjoys sports, specifically soccer, and enjoyed playing on her school's soccer team. Ali also enjoys cheerleading, shopping, arts and crafts, and spending time with friends. She enjoys going to school and does well academically.
Ali's forever family will be one that will provide her with structure, stability and trauma informed caregiving. Ali likes to stay busy so a family that is active would be ideal. Ali's family should also encourage her involvement in extracurricular and social activities. Her family will provide an environment that fosters healthy communication methods, quality time spent together, and reassurance to Ali that she is loved and cared for. Her family should also be prepared to help and support her when needed on school related assignments. Ali's forever family should be open to and supportive of Ali maintaining a relationship with her siblings.