Brooklynne from Texas

from Texas
- Age 15
- Gender Female
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity NA
- Case Number 107991
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Brooklynne has a larger-than-life personality and an excellent sense of humor, making her difficult to ignore. She easily makes friends and is a happy-go-lucky kind of girl overall. Brooklynne has often been described as a social butterfly because she enjoys being the "life of the party," isn't shy around others, and makes her presence known. When Brooklynne desires something, she is persistent and dedicated to achieving her goal. Brooklynne enjoys drawing, coloring, and listening to music during her downtime. A few self-care routines she likes are getting her hair and nails done. She likes to keep up with current trends and styles for her age group. Brooklynne is a loyal friend who does not hesitate to assist others in any way she can when they are in need.
Brooklynne's forever family will be willing to work with her to provide her with a structured environment to support her sense of security. Her forever family will be able to identify Brooklynne's strengths and work to empower her to utilize her strengths. Brooklynne has voiced her desire to move to a home and find a family that can "love her."