Caidence from Texas

from Texas
- Age 16
- Gender Female
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity NA
- Case Number 108454
- Inquire about this child
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Caidence is a sweet young lady. She can be described as family oriented, kind, and talkative. Caidence enjoys being active and learning new hobbies. She recently started reading novels which she is actively enjoying. She is empathetic, values friendships and likes to embrace new experiences. She navigates life with a positive attitude. Caidence is mature for her age and has learned to advocate for herself. She has a love for animals especially horses. Caidence would enjoy working at a ranch while finishing high school. Caidence's goal is to graduate college and study to become an OBGYN nurse. Her dream is to work at a hospital and help deliver babies. Some of her hobbies she enjoys is spending time with friends and shopping. Her favorite foods include Chick-Fil-A and pizza.
Caidence's forever family will be one that values family time. She would thrive in a family that sits down to dinner every night and talks about their day. She would enjoys having siblings. She would also enjoy a family environment that is fun and will reward her for working hard. Her forever family will love her and provide her with one on one time. She is a hard worker and wants to be appreciated. Caidence is close with her 3 sisters and her paternal cousins and wants to be able to stay in contact with them.