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Cayden from Texas



from Texas

Cayden is a sweet well-mannered boy with lots of love to give! He has a passion for the game of basketball. He is a huge NBA fan and has been described as a fanatic. His favorite team is the Bulls, and he looks forward to going to an NBA game one day. Cayden's other interests include swimming, playing games on his tablet and listening to music, and a love for the Ninja Turtles. He likes them so much that he loves to wear Ninja Turtle shirts. He also enjoys Anime, Dragon Ball Z, and playing video games during his downtime. He is described as a curious boy with lots of energy to burn. Cayden enjoys playing games inside, watching movies, or finding sports and activities outdoors. He does play well with his peers and is respectful to his caregivers. Cayden is not shy and makes a friend quickly in any environment. He will ask many questions about things he is interested in at the time and is excellent at having good conversations. Cayden enjoys going to school. When asked what he would like to be when he grows up, Cayden responded he wants to be a video game designer. He would also like to one day have a pet since he is also an animal lover. Cayden is ready to build a relationship with his forever parents.

Dalton and Cayden enjoy playing outside and are always ready for a game of football. They have lots of energy and enjoy staying active, riding their bikes, going to parks, and playing basketball or football. Dalton and Cayden get along great and care for each other. They're both outgoing and makes friends with other kids easily. Dalton and Cayden are never negative with each other, nor do they get on each other's nerves. Dalton and Cayden enjoy buying gifts for each other. They usually have smiles on their faces, and enjoy talking to each other about school and any and everything in between. Dalton and Cayden especially enjoy playing one on one basketball games. Dalton and Cayden will be a great addition to a loving and caring forever family. Visit us at the Heart Gallery of West Texas.

Cayden's forever family will consist of a strong mother and father, a role- model who will show him love and nurture him as much as possible. His forever family will show him acceptance, compassion, and love. Cayden's forever family will be able to spend one-on-one time with him to build trust and a bond. Cayden's family will be present and make him feel that he belongs to a family. His forever family will be dependable, understanding of his needs, and patient to help him achieve his goals. Cayden's forever family will encourage him to participate in different recreational activities in the community and show him support. His family will guide him as he matures and grows through life. Cayden's forever family will be able to nurture him and reassure him and his brother of a bright future and never give up on them!

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