Chloe from Texas

from Texas
- Age 16
- Gender Female
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity African American
- Case Number 88339
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Meet Chloe! She is an outgoing and very charismatic youth. Chloe enjoys going to school and participating in school-sponsored activities. She likes making bracelets, playing on her computer, and watching online videos. Chloe takes time to open up when meeting new people. Once she builds trust and feels comfortable, her outgoing personality shines. Like most teen girls, Chloe enjoys shopping for clothing. She especially enjoys shopping for name-brand clothing. Chloe is very social and interacts well with peers and adults. Chloe would like to pursue a career as an entrepreneur and hopes to have her own successful business one day! She loves spending time with little children, and she enjoys helping them. Chloe enjoys going to church, and she participates in every holiday. She loves to make others laugh and you may be surprised by her sense of humor.
Chloe would do best in a home that consists of two parents, a mother and father. She has expressed wanting a mother who will do things with her, including her hair. Chloe's forever family will be filled with love, support, and structure. Her family will be playful and offer patient ways to redirect behaviors. Chloe would love to have a family that likes to have dogs.