Clarence from Texas

from Texas
- Age 17
- Gender Male
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity African American
- Case Number 91380
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Clarence is an active 13-year-old with a good sense of humor. He is in 8th grade and is very smart. He enjoys taking part in all kinds of activities and is not afraid to try new things. He can be very adventurous! He is athletic and enjoys playing sports like basketball and football. He is a good swimmer and likes going to water parks and trampoline parks. He loves riding his bike around the neighborhood and likes playing computer games and video games (especially football video games)! He can be a good helper around the house and in the kitchen. He always addresses adults as "ma'am" and "sir." He can be strong willed and at times has his own agenda. likes He make people laugh and will often act out as the class clown, which can take away from his learning. He makes friends but needs some guidance as to how to make friends with the right crowd. He does very well when he has a specific schedule and knows what is going to happen each day. He sometimes needs supervision while doing his chores but will do them without complaint. He has expressed interest in art and learning how to cook.
Clarence would do best in a two-parent home with a strong male figure. He would do well if he could have some individualized attention each day. He has said he would like to be the only child in the home, OR in a home with older brothers. The family should be active and have ways to keep him busy. His forever family will encourage him to remain in contact with his siblings that have been adopted.