Ember from Texas

from Texas
- Age 16
- Gender Female
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity Hispanic
- Case Number 101307
- Inquire about this child
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Ember is a creative and active young lady. She enjoys swimming, hiking, softball, and arts and crafts. She also enjoys riding her bike, doing puzzles, and reading. Her favorite food is pasta and she loves the colors pink, blue, and black. Being in nature and interacting with it helps to calm and stabilize her. Ember has a determined mindset and is headstrong. She is vocal about her needs and desires and wants to be a cosmetologist or fashion designer following high school. She does well in school with some support. She is very smart and excels in school. Her favorite subjects are writing and reading, her least favorite is math. She enjoys going to church. Ember longs to have friends and a forever family she can trust.
Ember would do best with a family that is comprised of two moms, a single mom, or a family with a strong maternal female figure. Her family will demonstrate patience and understanding of Ember's journey to healing. When she is upset, Ember responds well to being allowed to cool down before talking to her. Ember's forever family will be loving and trusting and one that will love her unconditionally. Ember's family will be one that she can make memories with- game nights, family vacations, all kinds of adventures! Her family will allow her to explore extracurriculars such as gymnastics and will celebrate her achievements with her. Ember's family will teach her how to sew so she can practice designing clothes. Ember would do well with a family that has pets.