Gabriella from Texas

from Texas
- Age 15
- Gender Female
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity Hispanic
- Case Number 88172
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Gabriella is an introverted youth that can be especially shy when she is introduced to new people. She enjoys creating interpersonal relationships and once she feels as if she can trust someone, she loves to love. Gabriella takes her personal and close relationship whole heartily and is very protective. Gabriella is known to tune into other people's emotions that she cares for, so she can ensure that everyone is comfortable around her. Gabriella has a strong faith and is always open and willing to learn more about her faith so that she can grow as a person and learn to be a better version of herself. Gabriella loves to read, draw, and listen to music in her free time. Gabriella does not have a specific genre she listens to because she states that she likes to listen to music according to her emotions at the time. Gabriella writes the most beautiful poems with so much personality. Throughout her lifetime, she hopes to be a better version of herself, and help the others around her to also be the best version of themselves.
Gabriella wishes to be in a loving family that will accept her and show her what it is like to be part of a family. Her forever family will be open minded and educated on community resources, support groups, outreach programs, and any other beneficial resources that will assist in raising, caring, and giving Gabriella the best life possible. Her family must be willing to use resources to assist Gabriella into a successful transition into her forever home. Gabriella wishes to have younger siblings that she can grow with and learn from, all while being a great guidance and example for them. Gabriella has a huge heart, and she can't wait to share it with her forever family.