Ja'kayla from Texas

from Texas
- Age 13
- Gender Female
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity African American
- Case Number 95806
- My Siblings Marcus Desharanique
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Ja'Kayla is a smart and spirited young girl! She has a take-charge kind of personality. She is most definitely always a leader and never a follower. Ja'Kayla is very independent, however, she absolutely loves making new friends. She is very articulate and confident in her approach to life. One of Ja'Kayla's favorite things about the world is fashion. She loves dressing up for every occasion. Some of her other hobbies include drawing, watching movies, and dancing. She is an inquisitive girl who loves to learn. Her favorite subjects in school are Math and Science. She aspires to be a scientist or a doctor when she grows up. Ja'Kayla forms incredibly tight connections with people around her and she loves to spend quality time with those she loves.
De'Sharanique, Ja'Kayla and Marcus are a group of siblings who love to enjoy the world around them! De'Sharanique is the oldest of this adventurous group. She is a very smart little girl who loves to read and dance. Ja'Kayla is an incredibly fashionable young girl who loves shopping. Marcus is the youngest of the group and he is also the serious one, but he has a funny bone that is easily accessible! He loves sports and video games. This group of siblings has a very close connection with each other and love spending time together. De'Sharanique, Ja'Kayla and Marcus enjoy being active outside. They love anything from swimming, riding bikes, and even just a simple day of playing on the jungle gym. When they can't be outside, they enjoy playing games. They will challenge each other to a serious game of Uno. Expect jokes and continuous laughter when you're around this bunch!
Jakayla's forever family will love and support her as she follows her big dreams in life. Her family will be strong advocates for her love of learning. Her forever family will be structured and consistent, but will also have plenty of room for laughter and fun. Ja'Kayla will do well in a family who has other children, whether they be older or younger than her.