Jaylin from Texas

from Texas
- Age 11
- Gender Male
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity NA
- Case Number 101647
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Jaylin is a kind and polite boy who loves to build with Legos, create 3D projects, play outside, and play on his Gameboy. He wants to be a gamer when he grows up! He is very intelligent and can be very articulate, honest, and expressive. He is very outspoken when he feels he's right about something and can be a perfectionist regarding certain tasks he wants to do well. Jaylin's favorite foods are cake, hotdogs, and burgers. He has recently developed an interest in extra-curricular activities such as playing basketball. In addition to being active, he also enjoys having game nights and playing board games or cards. He can get competitive and loves to win! Jaylin does well in school where he makes mostly B's and his favorite subject is Math.
Jaylin responds well to strong male role models. His forever family will offer structure and routine with lots of activities to engage his creative and active side. His family will be interested in games and sports of all kinds. His family will offer plenty of affection and praise as Jaylin's family will be nurturing, loving, and comforting. Jaylin's family will help him navigate peer relationships in a healthy way. Jaylin would do best in a home with two parents. Jaylin wants to be an only child and often seeks to be the center of attention. He would do well in a home that has pets or animals.