Joe from Texas

from Texas
- Age 14
- Gender Male
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity Hispanic
- Case Number 86699
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Joe, who prefers to be called Mikey, is a cheerful child. Mikey can almost always be found smiling, as he has a great attitude. He is active, full of energy, and likes to be the center of attention. Mikey is a respectful child. He likes to be in the home playing video games, but he will go outside when encouraged to do so. While outdoors, Mikey can often be found competing in a game of football, paintball, or fishing. Mikey enjoys going to school and gets along well with his peers. He is involved in his school's band and plays the trumpet. Mikey likes all types of animals and does well with dogs. Mikey will be a great addition to a loving and forever family.
Mikey will benefit from a two-parent home with a loving mother and father, but he would also do well in a single-parent household. His family will be active, encourage his participation in activities, and help him build on his interests and talents. His forever family will be patient, supportive, active, and caring.