Joejesse from Texas

from Texas
- Age 14
- Gender Male
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity Hispanic
- Case Number 82021
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Joe Jesse is a very bright, energetic, active, outgoing youth! He is a smart boy who tries to be very independent, to be "the boss," and likes to be in control. Joe Jesse likes to go to new places and experience new things, as he is very curious and adventurous. He will get himself into mischief if he is idle for too long, unless he is playing video games or watching videos or movies. Joe Jesse is not shy by any means, and he does not have any difficulties meeting new people. He loves to interact with others and joke around and tease people! At times, his joking and teasing can get him into trouble, but with redirection he can keep it under control. Joe Jesse continues to improve his social and relationship skills with others. Some of his interest include being outdoors, playing video games, basketball, and watching movies.
Joe Jesse is anxiously awaiting his forever family! He will do best with an experienced family who will offer supervision, structure, and most importantly a loving environment. Joe Jesse is open to city or country living. He is open to having other children in the home, but he has stated he prefers his own space.