Juana from Texas

from Texas
- Age 4
- Gender Female
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity Hispanic
- Case Number 108479
- My Siblings Pablo
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Juana is a very happy and active child. She is a resilient child who continues to amaze everyone. She knows her ABCs, her colors and her shapes! Juana is willing to learn new things every day and gets very excited about it. She loves toys that make noise and light up. She also enjoys any toy that sings songs, especially Frozen songs. She loves to watch educational cartoons. Juana is a very affectionate child who loves hugs and one on one attention. Juana enjoys spending time outdoors. She likes the sunshine and splashing water at her water table. Juana is very curious and loves to go on family outings. She currently attends daycare and does great with other children. She enjoys being engage and being part of everything.
Juana and Pablo are a fun-loving sibling group that always have a good time together. Juana and Pablo get very excited when they get to see each other. Pablo enjoys, holding Juana and getting to take care of her during their time together. Juana likes to touch her brother's face and arms. When she does this, she gets a big smile on her face. The two have a very special bond and love spending time together. Pablo is a very hands on big brother and is protective of Juana. He loves to make her laugh. He also loves showing her things and will carry her around so that she is able to feel different objects as he explains what they are. Juana always appears comfortable when she is with Pablo.
Juana will do best in a two-parent home that can meet her needs. Her forever family will be able to access any needed resources. Structure and organization are important skills for her family to have. Her family will have simple rules and boundaries based on Juana's abilities and comprehension. Juana is very much able to bond and love but does need a family that is patient and committed to her long-term care. Juana loves her brother and will do best in a family where they can be together.