Julian from Texas

from Texas
- Age 13
- Gender Male
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity Hispanic
- Case Number 87557
- My Siblings Giovanni Linina
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Julian is an affectionate, mild mannered and friendly child who enjoys playing at the park and spending time with his brother. He is diagnosed with Autism. He benefits from support services. He is working on times of transition. He does well with rigid routines and repetitive acts. Julian is a happy child and responds well to affection. He follows directives well and can feed himself. He is also able to verbally express his feelings, likes, and dislikes. He is easily distracted but can be easily redirected. He is good with puzzles and gets along with his peers. He is currently getting help with living and social skills. Julian enjoys watching YouTube on his tablet, watching interactive cartoons, and playing with interactive toys. He enjoys being independent and will attempt new things without assistance if he's able to.
Giovanni and Julian are very close and enjoy spending time with one another. He looks after Julian and is good with assisting him with different tasks. Giovanni and Julian enjoy playing outside, swimming, playing games, listening to music, and watching cartoons together. Giovanni warms up to new people with ease and is very sociable. He gets along with his peers and is respectful of others. Julian presents as shy and takes some time to warm up to new people. Once he does, Julian is friendly, mild-mannered, and loves showing off his toys and puzzles. Julian is an engaging and active child who enjoys spending time with his caregivers and being outdoors playing with Giovanni. He enjoys meeting new people and is playful. Julian looks to Giovanni for guidance and follows his lead in new environments.
Julian's forever family will be patient and active. His family will enjoy going on outings and will be able to provide a stable and nurturing environment. Julian is able to provide His family will provide him with a structured routine. Julian's family will provide him with love and affection.