Leia from Texas

from Texas
- Age 8
- Gender Female
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity Hispanic
- Case Number 86419
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Leia is a very active and inquisitive child. She enjoys spending time outside in nature and wants to discover new things. She loves to go for walks and has recently learned how to walk and is enjoying her newfound independence. She enjoys using her tablet and she is working on learning how to use her tablet as a communication device to express her wants and needs. Leia also enjoys playing with learning toys such as her Leap Pad Book and toys. She is non-verbal but can communicate by clapping her hands and is learning to babble. Leia enjoys exploring the world around her. She is a very independent and resilient child. She likes to dance along to the music and especially likes songs from Moana.
Leia's forever family will be patient and flexible. Her forever family will provide her with stability, structure and lots of love and affection. Leia will do well in either an experienced two parent home or with a single parent that is in the medical field and has experience with children that share Leia's needs. Leia will also do well in a home with or without other children. If children are in the home, older calm children would be the best fit. Leia does well with animals, but animals that are primarily outside would be best for Leia. A home with access to the outdoors and nature would be ideal.