Logan from Texas

from Texas
- Age 14
- Gender Male
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity NA
- Case Number 108160
- My Siblings Michael Raymond Jimmy Kayleigh
- Inquire about this child
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Logan is an independent spirit. He carves his own path, comfortable in his own company and unafraid to tackle things on his own. He's friendly and polite, always ready with a genuine smile and a helping hand. He enjoys the quiet time spent alone reading mystery books, watching thrilling shows and scary movies. Some of his favorite pass times are spending time out in nature. He enjoys sitting for hours fishing, being around horses and taking in the natural beauty of scenic views. Logan has taken an interest in cooking. He has been experimenting with new recipes and is working on perfecting a good steak. Logan is kind and friendly, willing to offer a listening ear to his peers. He would be a great addition to a loving family.
Logan, Jimmy, Raymond, Kayleigh, and Michael are a very close net sibling group. They have a lot of love and care for one another which is exhibited when together. They all love to be outside playing with one another and soaking up the sun. Logan is the creative sibling. He enjoys creatine new activities and games for his siblings. Raymond's the social butterfly who keeps his siblings entertained with his stories. Michael is the chill sibling who goes with the flow and is down to participate in whatever activities his siblings throw his way. Kayleigh is the only girl and is very much the leader of the family. She has her brothers wrapped around her finger and is the princess who rules over her brothers. Jimmy is a tiny ball of energy; he tries his best to keep up with his big siblings.
Logan will do well in a family with having children older than him but still close to his age. He enjoys looking up to those individuals that are older than he. His family should be open to allowing Logan his independence and space to explorer his interest.