Michael from Texas

from Texas
- Age 10
- Gender Male
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity NA
- Case Number 108158
- My Siblings Raymond Logan Jimmy Kayleigh
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Michael is a quiet and laid-back child. His calm demeanor is welcoming to those he encounters. Michael has no issues making friends with peers. They flock to him as they feel he is a non-judgmental and easy to get along with. Michael seeks to help those in need. Michael is a smart young man. He is a logical thinker which aids him in being able to solve problems, conquer math and defeat quest on videogames such as Fortnite and Minecraft. Michael also enjoys spending time indoors at home. He enjoys being in the comfort of his surroundings where he can be entertained by his own stuff. He enjoys playing his video games, drawing, and building things. When ready to be outside, Michael seeks to be active and competitive. He participates in sports. His current favorite sports are Football, kickball, and soccer.
Logan, Jimmy, Raymond, Kayleigh, and Michael are a very close net sibling group. They have a lot of love and care for one another which is exhibited when together. They all love to be outside playing with one another and soaking up the sun. Logan is the creative sibling. He enjoys creatine new activities and games for his siblings. Raymond's the social butterfly who keeps his siblings entertained with his stories. Michael is the chill sibling who goes with the flow and is down to participate in whatever activities his siblings throw his way. Kayleigh is the only girl and is very much the leader of the family. She has her brothers wrapped around her finger and is the princess who rules over her brothers. Jimmy is a tiny ball of energy; he tries his best to keep up with his big siblings.
Michael's forever family will support his adventurous spirit and embrace active family outings. His family will actively support his interest in sports by cheering him on at his games. While encouraging his passions, his family will also understand his need for downtime to recharge, providing him with the space he desires.