Nellie from Texas

from Texas
- Age 16
- Gender Female
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity Hispanic
- Case Number 89739
- Inquire about this child
- Favorite this child
Nellie is an energetic young lady who loves the attention of others, including strangers, peers, and adults. Nellie is a typical teen who likes hanging out with her friends and shopping. She is delightful and talkative and has worked hard to develop better boundaries because she gets excited to talk to new people. Nellie is very outgoing and enjoys meeting new people and going to new places. She loves purple, teal and anything that sparkles. Nellie loves to listen to music and dance. She enjoys fashion and has a passion for animals. Nellie is a sassy pre-teen who is outspoken about her wants and needs. She enjoys conversations and is caring and loving. Nellie is artistic, and her favorite subject at school is science. When Nellie was asked about her three wishes, she stated she wanted to have a family, have many pets, and see everyone happy.
Nellie will need a loving, patient, and nurturing family. Her forever family will need to establish clear boundaries, limits, and expectations. Her family will need to ensure she receives any services she needs. Nellie's forever family will be an advocate for her all of her needs and in accessing appropriate services as she transitions to adulthood. Her family will provide her supervision, praise, and encouragement. Nellie's family will love her unconditionally. Nellie would love to find a two-parent household and would prefer to be an only child as she does not have any siblings. However, she would not mind sharing love with other children. Nellie is very caring and has a lot of love and attention to give!