Nevaeh from Texas

from Texas
- Age 13
- Gender Female
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity African American
- Case Number 107489
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Nevaeh is an active child who plays volleyball in school. She has practice after school and enjoys it. Nevaeh likes her team and coaches. She is a team player. She also loves music and dance. Nevaeh loves associating with her friends, whether going to the mall, movies, museums, or waterparks. She likes to go out for ice cream and out to eat. Nevaeh enjoys shopping, choosing her clothing, and creating her own style. She does very well in school and is a very fast learner. Nevaeh enjoys math and learning new material in school. She likes to participate in class and demonstrates leadership skills. Nevaeh is not shy and likes to initiate conversations with her peers. She is friendly and likes to be a helper.
Nevaeh would like a very supportive family and to feel part of a family. Nevaeh's family will be good listeners. She wants a family that will make her feel comfortable and want to get to know her. She would like a family to help her be successful in school and to help her prepare for young adulthood by teaching her responsibility, accountability and making good choices. She would like a family to help guide her in the right direction and teach her etiquette skills, and life skills. Nevaeh wants a family to also be able provide her some space when she needs it to decompress or to have alone time.