Persia from Texas

from Texas
- Age 9
- Gender Female
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity Hispanic
- Case Number 109655
- My Siblings Desire Edgar Josiah Marina Roxana
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Persia is a fun-loving young girl who enjoys being around others. She has a passion for martial arts and loves to draw. Persia cherishes her time spent with her siblings and enjoys playing with dolls and drawing with her foster siblings. She gets along well with others and loves school, consistently making good grades. Recess is a highlight for her, especially when playing tag with her friends. Persia also values family outings with her caregiver and their family, whom she cares for dearly. Some of her favorite foods include pizza, ice cream, and spaghetti. She describes herself as smart, loving, funny, and beautiful. Persia is attentive to her needs and does well to advocate for herself. She also loves to read and enjoys having a variety of books available so that she always has something new to dive into when she finishes her current book.
Marina, Edgar, Roxana, Persia, Desire, and Josiah are all talented, compassionate, and independent individuals. They are respectful and well-mannered children who show tremendous love and affection for one another. They enjoy spending time together, cheering each other on, offering helping hands, and recognizing each other's strengths. All of them participate in summer sports and attend each other's games to offer support. They love to be active and have great attitudes in team sports! The siblings cherish their times spent together, during which they celebrate birthdays, holidays, and accomplishments. They also love playing video games together and enjoy teaching each other how to play the latest games they are interested in. Always looking out for one another, they ensure that everyone's needs are met and that they can advocate for each other.
Persia is seeking a loving and stable family that can support her growth into a confident young woman. She thrives in structured routines and benefits from positive behavior strategies. A family that values education and collaborates with teachers will help create a nurturing learning environment. Most importantly, Persia wants to be adopted with her five siblings.