Quin'tryal from Texas

from Texas
- Age 14
- Gender Male
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity African American
- Case Number 83625
- My Siblings Quincy
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Quin'Tryal enjoys spending his free time playing outside with his friends. When he is not able to be outdoors, he enjoys playing video games and watching cartoons. Quin'Tryal likes to ride his bike, listen to music, and watch movies. Some of Quin'Tryal's favorite past times also include playing basketball, football, and participating in other types of sports. With the appropriate support and encouragement, he is capable of accomplishing great things. He prefers to be in smaller settings and play alone, instead of being in larger groups. However, when it comes to outdoor activities and sports, Quin'Tryal doesn't mind larger groups. He especially enjoys playing basketball with his brother. He is an outstanding youth who can be very loving and respectful. Quin'Tryal will be a wonderful addition to a loving and caring forever family.
Quincy and Quin'Tryal are brothers who are close in age and who are similar in some ways but different in other aspects. Whereas Quincy is outgoing, Quin'Tryal is more of an introvert. Both boys enjoy being outdoors playing basketball or football. Quincy and Quin'Tryal are closely connected and yet enjoy being their own persons. Where Quincy likes to joke and play around, Quin'Tryal often prefers having alone time to play his video games and/or tune in to his favorite cartoons. Quincy is playing basketball for his school and likes for others to attend the games. The boys are currently placed together which aids in promoting their sibling bond as well as maintaining the familial and cultural heritage they share. Their current placement reports that Quincy and Quin'Tryal have a loving sibling relationship. They can resolve conflicts peacefully as well as enjoy each other's company.
Quin'Tryal's forever family will offer him a loving home with patience, structure, and consistency along with careful supervision. His forever family will be able to spend one-on-one time with him and be willing to access any resources he needs. Quin'Tryal's forever family will motivate him to be better every day and appreciate his progress. Quin'Tryal would like to be adopted with his older brother.