Sincere from Texas

from Texas
- Age 16
- Gender Male
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity African American
- Case Number 92197
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Sincere is a very sweet, kind, and lovable. He is able to accomplish anything he puts his mind to. He enjoys listening to music, eating, and playing games on his tablet. He does very well in school academically and behaviorally. He also loves shoes, and likes to talk about the different pair of Jordans and Vans. He can be entertained easily, and he is also very appreciative. He also enjoys going outside and riding his bike. Sincere has never been out of the state of Texas, and states that he desires to see a beach one day. He likes to talk about music and television, however he is shy when he first meets people. Sincere warms up to people once he feels safe. He desires a family that will love him unconditionally.
Sincere desires a family with both a mother and father. He is open to the family having children, however he has some hesitations. Sincere's forever family will enjoy cooking some of his favorite foods and likes to go on outings. His forever family will also be patient with him. His forever family will love and support him.