Ta'ziryah from Texas

from Texas
- Age 15
- Gender Female
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity African American
- Case Number 88737
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Say hello to Ta'Ziryah! Ta'ziryah is a fun-loving youth who prefers to go by Taz. She has a smile that will light up a room! Taz would like to become a lawyer or caseworker when she grows up. She has expressed a desire to strengthen her self-esteem through extracurricular activities that will showcase her talents and allow her to enjoy the things she likes. Taz says she would like to participate in activities such as martial arts. She enjoys watching and participating in sports. Taz enjoys sports such as basketball and softball. She does her best when given one-on-one time and likes to be in the kitchen. She likes to go to the movies and people who can always be silly and not serious all the time. She benefits from tutoring and assistance with her homework in the evening after school. Taz is a child who loves to smile. She understands the value of genuine relationships and strongly desires to grow her interpersonal skills. Taz shares that she likes to be "girly" and have her hair and nails done.
Taz will benefit from being the only child in her forever family. Her forever family will have support within their community, family, and friends. They will utilize services to help Taz navigate the adoption process and to adjust. Her family will take the time to get to know Taz and be reliable and supportive of her. They will be consistent and supportive.