Treavyon from Texas

from Texas
- Age 9
- Gender Male
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity African American
- Case Number 93327
- My Siblings Treazure Arriyah Yazmina
- Inquire about this child
- Favorite this child
Treavyon is an athletic boy with a playful sense of humor. He is caring and very loving towards his three sisters. Trevyon is energetic, and you will usually find him outside playing sports. He enjoys playing basketball, baseball, football, and track. His favorite basketball player is Lebron James. Football is his passion in life. His favorite professional football player is Patrick Mahomes. Treavyon likes to play the quarterback or wide receiver position when playing football. He wants to play collegiate football and ultimately aspires to be a professional football player when he grows up. His favorite subject at school is Math, and he likes learning his multiplication tables. Treavyon says he is good at the hula hoop. His idea of a family night of fun would be a trip to Dave & Busters. He loves dogs and especially likes big dogs such as huskies and golden retrievers. If he had three wishes he would wish for a Lamborghini, a boat, and to be the best football player ever. When asked what makes him laugh, his response was his twin sister, Treazure. His siblings are important to him. Treavyon is ready to be adopted and to meet his forever family who will cheer him on in his future games!
Yazmina, Treavyon, Treazure, and Arriyah have big personalities and enjoy spending time together! Yazmina is the eldest sibling of this sibling quartet. Treavyon and Treazure are the middle siblings of this group and share a special connection as they are twins. Arriyah is the youngest sibling of this sibling group with 5 years between her and Yazmina. Arriyah and Yazmina both love Mickey Mouse. Treavyon likes to play games such as chess, checkers, tag, and hide and seek with his siblings. Yazmina said she likes Treazure because she is nice and makes her laugh. Yazmina's favorite thing about Arriyah is her personality and her laugh. This sibling quartet is closely bonded and care a lot about each other. They are ready for a forever family that loves them as much as they love each other.
Treavyon's forever family will be one that accepts him and his 3 siblings together. Treavyon would welcome a home with dogs as he is a pet lover. His family will be a positive role model for her who will help guide him in all his life decisions. His family will teach him life skills, show him love, and nurture him. His family will be an active family who will keep him and his siblings active and involved in the community. Treavyon's family will encourage his dreams and help him reach his goals. Treavyon's family will provide structure for him, but also allow for a flexible routine. The ideal forever family will provide Treavyon with unconditional love and patience as he adjusts to his new family.