Yazmina from Texas

from Texas
- Age 11
- Gender Female
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity African American
- Case Number 103568
- My Siblings Treazure Treavyon Arriyah
- Inquire about this child
- Favorite this child
Yazmina is a budding young artist. People who know her best call her, Yazzy. She is the eldest sibling and sister of her sibling group of 4. Yazmina says that people tell her that she is very talented when it comes to her artwork. She says her favorite things to do are draw, color, and paint. She enjoys taking photos and was enrolled in a photography class. She has 2 cameras and really enjoys taking the skills she has learned to take mesmerizing photographs. She wants to be an artist when she grows up and would like to attend an art school after high school graduation. She aspires to be a portrait artist. Yazmina said she likes to paint open spaces and seascapes. She would like to take advanced painting classes. She would also like to learn how to create pottery and sculptures. Yazmina is athletic and active. She has fun in gym class, and her favorite sport is volleyball. She likes to swim, roller skate, and ride bikes. She would like to have her own bike. Her favorite food to eat is fettuccini from Olive Garden. Yazmina has dreams of visiting Paris one day so she could take beautiful photos and see the Eiffel tower. She would like to eat Parisian food such as macarons and baguettes. Yazmina says the thing she likes most about herself is that she loves all of her siblings.
Yazmina, Treavyon, Treazure, and Arriyah have big personalities and enjoy spending time together! Yazmina is the eldest sibling of this sibling quartet. Treavyon and Treazure are the middle siblings of this group and share a special connection as they are twins. Arriyah is the youngest sibling of this sibling group with 5 years between her and Yazmina. Arriyah and Yazmina both love Mickey Mouse. Treavyon likes to play games such as chess, checkers, tag, and hide and seek with his siblings. Yazmina said she likes Treazure because she is nice and makes her laugh. Yazmina's favorite thing about Arriyah is her personality and her laugh. This sibling quartet is closely bonded and care a lot about each other. They are ready for a forever family that loves them as much as they love each other.
Yazmina's forever family will be one that accepts her and her brother and sisters together. Her family will be a positive role model for her and will help guide her in all her life decisions. Her family will teach her life skills, show her love, and nurture her. Yazmina's family will be an active family who will keep her and her siblings active and involved in the community. Yazmina's family will encourage her dreams and help her reach her goals. Her family will provide structure while also having a flexible routine. The ideal forever family will provide Yazmina with unconditional love and patience as she adjusts to her new family.