
Pregnancy Calendar

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Track your progress week by week to find out what's going on with your body and your baby. Click on each week to get helpful tips and information for each step along your journey.

First Trimester

Week 1, Week 2, Week 3, Week 4, Week 5, Week 6, Week 7, Week 8, Week 9, Week 10, Week 11, Week 12, Week 13

Second Trimester

Week 14, Week 15, Week 16, Week 17, Week 18, Week 19, Week 20, Week 21, Week 22, Week 23, Week 24, Week 25, Week 26

Third Trimester

Week 27, Week 28, Week 29, Week 30, Week 31, Week 32, Week 33, Week 34, Week 35, Week 36, Week 37, Week 38, Week 39, Week 40, Week 41, Week 42 Source: Wikipedia

Pregnancy Calculator

Using a Pregnancy Calculator

Your due date is important, not only so you know when to have the nursery ready, but so you'll know how far along you are. This helps you track the progress of your pregnancy, to ensure the baby is growing and developing on schedule. To estimate your due date, you'll need some sort of pregnancy calculator.

If your periods are fairly regular, the task is straightforward. The average human pregnancy lasts about 280 days (40 weeks) from the first day of your last period. Grab a calendar, count forward 40 weeks, and circle the date. Alternately, take the date of the first day of your last period and add 7, then count back 3 months. For example, if your last period started on May 2, 2005, add 7 to get May 9. Going back three months gives you a date of February 9. Your due date is February 9, 2006. Or visit one of the many Web sites that offer an online pregnancy calculator. Simply plug in that all-important first day of your last period, punch a button, and receive your due date.

If your periods are irregular, though, a regular pregnancy calculator might not be helpful. Then it becomes time to turn to other methods. If you should happen to know the exact or approximate date of conception, the date can be calculated from there (count forward 38 weeks in this case). Or your practitioner could order an ultrasound. This can provide measurements of the head diameter, the head circumference and the abdominal circumference, which can then be used to determine gestational age (how long your baby has been in the uterus). Ultrasound to determine gestational age is most accurate when done between the 8th and 18th weeks of pregnancy.

Another pregnancy calculator is through measuring the size of the uterus. This is done through external palpation at your prenatal exams. After about the first trimester, your practitioner can also measure the height of the fundus (the top of the uterus), which usually corresponds with gestational age. However, growth spurts and individual variations in development make these methods less accurate in determining your due date.

Of course, only about 5 percent of women deliver on their projected due date. So don't rely too strongly on whichever pregnancy calculator you use, because in the end, this is your baby's call.

Pregnancy Due Date Calculator

Knowing When: The Pregnancy Due Date Calculator

One of the first questions that you'll ask after the pregnancy test comes back positive is, "When am I due?" Counting ahead nine months on your fingers will give you a rough idea, but for more accuracy, you can visit one of the many online pregnancy calculators.

The average human pregnancy lasts 280 days, with day 1 being the first day of your last normal period. You could count out the days on your calendar, but the computer is easier. Simply go to any search engine (Google, etc.) and plug in pregnancy calculator. You'll get links to many sites that offer this service.

A typical pregnancy calculator will ask for the first day of your last period, though some will give you the option of using the date you think you conceived. Put in the dates, press the button, and presto, you have a due date. Some sites will also let you conduct the process in reverse. That is, if you already know your due date, you can plug that in and learn the date on which you conceived.

Some sites will go no further than determining your due date, but every pregnancy calculator is different. Some will calculate how far along you are by percentage, as in, "You are 11% through your pregnancy, with 89% left." Some give you a week by week breakdown, letting you know exactly when you will be ten, twenty, or however many weeks pregnant. Many will plot out significant dates, such as when you will enter your second and third trimesters, when your baby's heart will start beating, when you can expect to feel movement, and the date of viability - the earliest point at which your baby could survive if born. Of course, it's important to remember that every pregnancy is unique, and some babies will develop faster or slower than others.

Of course, as your medical practitioner will be quick to remind you, only about 5 percent of women deliver on their actual due date. The odds are far greater that your baby will be born within a week (more or less) of that date. But using a pregnancy calculator can give you an initial idea as to when you'll stop carrying your baby in your uterus and start carrying her in your arms.

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