We selected Adoption.com Parent Profiles because we wanted to have direct contact with expectant mothers considering adoption and wished not to have placement influenced by a third party. We knew that Parent Profiles provided us with that opportunity. Five months after activating our profile, we connected with our daughter’s birth mother. We had time to form a special relationship because she was only 8 weeks pregnant when she first contacted us. Through almost daily communication, we were able to go through the last seven months of her pregnancy with her and we were able to experience the growth of our baby. This special relationship enabled us to be in the delivery room when our daughter was born.

Adoption is a process – and it is so worth it! Parent Profiles gave us comfort in knowing that any woman considering adoption had the opportunity to view our profile and contact us if she thought we might be the right parents for her child.

We are now the proud parents of a happy, beautiful little girl! We are so grateful to both our daughter’s birth mother and to Adoption.com Parent Profiles.