My search has been put on hold for financial situations and I am really upset about it. I dont know as of now when I will be able to start with the investigational search but I guess I've waited this long, I'll just have to wait a little longer. I've been seeing alot of stories on TV about adoptees having feelings of abandoment and rejection, it worries me so much that my bdaughter would have any of these feelings. If she is feeling anything like this, I do not want her to go another day, hour , minutes or seconds thinking that she was abandoned or rejected by her biological father and I. She is loved and has a family that is so eager to find her and shower her with so much love, she wont know how to act. So to you my child I Love you, I miss you and want so very much to be apart of your life. You were never rejected or abandoned, your bio father and I were just kids in love ourselves and too young to be parents. Him and I are on great terms with one another, well especially since we have your sister together, which you would love to meet and be apart of her life as well. I bet you and her look alot alike. Please find me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! To your adopted parents, I do not want to take your daughter away from you, I just want her to know why she was adopted and answer any questions that she may have. I know she is your daughter and you've raised her and I cant begin to tell you how much I Thank You for that but if you had a child that you carried for 9 months and really didn't want to place for adoption then you would want to know that child and eventually be apart of that childs life too. I was told by the agency that you said you would always let her know that she was adopted and let her know that her birthparents loved her and that you would give her the letter that I had wrote to her when she turned 18. I do hope that you did follow through with this, because if not there is a good possibility that she maybe having feelings of rejection and I know that if you loved her, you would not want her to feel not even a ounce of pain. These are my thoughts and I'm pretty sure there are alot of other bmoms and dads that feel the same and please do not feel threatned by me, I only want to meet my first born.