  • September 12, 2005
  • by
I'm not sure what else I have to add, but wanted to journal in the hopes of thinking happy thoughts about our new daughter and to maybe forget about the headache I have so I can get to sleep. It really is very overwhelming to think about her coming home with us, but also very exciting. I'm so happy to have her in our life and she really seems perfect for us in every way. DH gave me a couple of ideas to write in her card, and I'm still thinking of what I want to say too. I just really want her to know how much we enjoyed spending time with her and how we can't wait to see her again soon. Like the others at FBA said, it doesn't seem her problems are anything more than typical teenager stuff, and I think she'll be just fine. I left ML a voice mail to ask about visiting her again and how the process works, but really right now I don't feel like I'm in a big hurry. I'm happy to keep getting things ready here, like her room and just general organizing of the house. I do miss her, but I want things to be nice when she comes and I want her to have the time she needs to get used to us a little. I can't say enough about how amazing I think she really is. She has been through a lot in her life and kept it together and stayed pretty realistic about most things. She's so polite and giving, I forgot to mention before all the clothes she gave away to Katrina victims because she said she had a lot and really didn't need them when someone else did more. She's so talented with all the different sports and playing the clarinet and doing well in school. She's changed schools several times and had to make new friends frequently, that alone could have caused her a lot of problems that she seems to have overcome. I guess I'll work on her card, I know I'm obsessing, but I want to say the right things in the right way.