On September 6th about 6:30pm my husband and 2 children were over at my ex- husbands house for reason that I cannot get into. My husband received a call on his work cell phone. My husband looked at the # that came up and asked if I knew who it was and I told him no, well he didn't answer it. This person was very persistant and kept calling back, well after about the 4th time this person called and hung up and called back, I told my husband to just answer the dang phone. He answered and the person on other line asked for me and I was thinking who would be calling me on my husbands work phone. I said hello and I heard her voice..... It was her my daughter!!!!! She went on to say that her name was Krystle and she was adopted and she was on the internet and found all my info on this website. According to her info and the info on adoption forums, she had pretty good reason to beleive that I was her birthmother...... I was freaking out to say the least. She was reading all the info that she had and I'll tell you what, it was like I was dreaming, it just didn't seem real. Everything she told me matched perfect with mine and my ex-husbands info. It was her, my search was over, she had found me!!! I just couldn't beleive it. I never, ever in million years would of thought that she would be the one calling me. I always had this vision of me finding her and having to call her instead of the way the it happened. The really crazy thing is that I was at her biological father house and I havent been to his house in about 2 or 3 years and she called when I was there. Another thing that is really weird about it is that I named her Crystal Rae and I thought that the agency that I went through told the adoptive parents what I named her but they didn't. The adoptive father when they were in the process of waiting for their baby, he said if they got a girl he wanted to name her Krystle!!!! That is the most craziest thing ever, she was definitely meant to be a Crystal or Krsytle. That night we talked on the phone for awhile and then sent pictures back and forth on the net. She got to talk to her sister Melanie, that she didn't know she had. She got to talk to her birthfather, it was a miracle by no mistake. I have talked to her on the phone a couple times since then for hours and we e-mail one another almost everyday. She looks almost identical to her sister, they are 3 years apart. She is beautiful, more beautiful than I ever imagined her to be. We are soo much alike it's kinda weird and she is just like my other 2 kids. We are all going to meet one day but Krystle is not ready yet, which I understand it's a very overwhelming thing for all of us. She is very busy, she is in her second year of college,(which I am so proud of her for) and she works and has a serious boyfriend and she has her parents that have loved her very much growing up. I spoke to her mother and she said that she was their miracle and I beleive it!!!! I told her that I had been searching for her since she turned 18 and she had been looking for us too. I told her about my journal here and she said it was so sweet and she printed it out and said she had started a book. I just cant tell anyone how amazing it feels to finally find the child that I have been longing for all this time. To you my daughter, I love you and have never stopped loving you, your are a beautiful, intelligent young woman and I'm so happy to finally know you.