R has been with us for almost a year now. Matter of fact will be a year on Saturday. This little boy is amazing to come so far so fast. He is now within 12 month range physically which means he is doing what most typical 12 month olds do. He is now 28 months old. We are still awaiting final adoption of R due to an error by the OFC that took at least six months to correct. Hoping for final court date next month.
R gets his gait trainer in ten days and I bet he will really take off at that point. His Mama's wont be able to keep up with him. He really wants to walk and is doing better but not quite there yet.
Today for the first time R took a drink from an open cup. R held the cup by himself and tilted his head back to get a drink. Never before now did he tilt his bottle back. It was stationary we had to lay him down for him to drink. Today he drank 6 ounces of formula through the open cup and spilled only very little down his front. He is off baby food and is on gerber graduates, a typical meal for a two year old. He is expimenting with regular foods as well. He still has a texture issue, like he doesnt like things like crackers or cookies. This is huge progress for this little guy. He says about 10 words on a daily basis, one of the being "Mama". Not only does he have to over come his medical issues but he is a very tall two year old so he faces that limitation as well. I thank God everyday that I was blessed with such a special unique child. He teaches me more everyday. He has opened our minds and hearts to people with disabilities.