Hi my name is Jill. My husband and I started our adoption process 16 months ago. We have been in and out of PGN now for 6 months(Guatemala). Our daughter will be 1 year old on July 8, 2007. We have been trying to understand God's plan and why our daughter still is not home. First when we signed the contract we were told our baby will be home between 4-6 months old. Then we were told babies are coming home between 8-9 months old. Now we are told, they are not sure when she will be home. Each time we have been crushed! Still trying to hold it together! We are very happy for everyone who gets to bring their babies home as infants but, it is so sad to us because we don't understand why we still are waiting. Is there anyone out there who has been through similar adoption process? Adoption complete or still waiting?