We started doing this foster care thing in '05 and it was a rollercoaster ride then, but today it is so different! We have our boy and mom has expressed how she knows she wont be able to care for him, and we really want him in the worst way, but now she is pregnant again, using drugs, and isn't sure if she wants to give him up or not, and the case worker wont do termination because of the pregnancy, and the fact they want us to take the next baby so they are keeping this case open!!! Today is the permenancy review and I have no idea what will take place! I am nervous for our boy because I do not know how much longer he will be in custody! I am scared he will get a little older and start to get confused because he goes for his visits and his mom calls herself mom to him and then he comes here and I call myself mom to him I just do not know how to feel or what to think! I became apart of this website to talk to people and vent, but sometimes no one replies to your questions and therefore you still don't have "anyone"! I just hope all goes well with this review and we get the ball rolling on the adoption process! I just don't think his birthmom is compotent enough to raise her children(she did(with our boy) and is on drugs while pregnant so she is already putting her children in danger)!!!
I am scared and confused and worried and anxious! Sometimes I feel all alone because my in-laws do not talk to us and my family does not talk to us either! I am just beside myself today!