  • June 22, 2010
  • by
Tomorrow I will be having lunch with my daughter. She called after 7 days with no word. We've exchanged text messages and a few phone calls. I'm concerned that her mental health is compromised, but she is confident that she is doing well. My emotions across heart-break, love, fear and anger. I hope she will agree to seek some counseling, but I am not hopeful. I suspect I will have less of a relationship with her than she will have with her bio-mother who attempted to drown her when she was seven. I understand wanting to know more about one's history; I don't understand abandoning the stable family for the unknown.
I understand your feelings and doubtful mind. I want to know that how did the lunch session go. Was it comfortable for both of you, or there was some problem.
One more thing<a href="">,</a> how old is your daughter now?
She is 20 and I was actually so uncomfortable I would describe it as fearful.