Here is the information on my birthmother...Name: Diane Walker. I was born at St. Francis Hospital in Evanston, IL on June 16, 1970. Adopted 10 days later through Catholic Charities. My name on original birth certificate was Josette Lynn Walker. Birthfather was reportedly in Navy. Birthmother desc: 5'5", brown hair/brown eyes. Birth grandmother reportedly killed in car wreck in 1969. Birthmother lived with her Grandmother and Father. Also lived in "wage home" in the months before my birth, and did daycare in exchange for room and board. This family's name was Casey.
I have been looking for my birthmother for ten years now. I know that it might be hard to find her because I was born in Russia. I really hope to find her. If anyone can help me find a good website, I would be very greatful.