I sent Courtni out to check the mail, and there it was! The Childrens Home Society sent the consent form for me to sign and have notorized. It is now 3:13p.m. and I am going to try and make it to the bank, and have it done so I can mail it off first thing in the morning. Patience has never been one of my strong points.
I am so excited. I don't know why. I guess the thought of knowing my information will be there waiting for you when your ready. Courtni knows about you and is almost as excited as I am. She is so funny in that when people ask her if she has any brothers and sisters she says..." Yes, I have 1 brother and 1 sister." I have explained to her at length that you have a family of your own. That you were adopted as a baby. She of course wanted to know why and if she would ever be able to know you. I explained that was up to you and God. She is far too wise for her years. I think most children are. We adults don't give them near enough credit. Kids are so perceptive. I have never lied to my kids. I don't believe in it. I ask them to be honest with me and to lie to them would be a tad hypocritical.
I promise never to lie to you if you come asking questions. I am sure that some of your questions may be difficult ones, but I will try my best to answer them. I also wouldn't blame you if you were or are angry with me. I won't give excuses for what I did, but tell you why. I have to say I have no regrets other than not having an open adoption. Closed adoption is far too difficult for all parties I believe. Forms about forms needing to be filled out before you can know what color hair someone has. I wonder sometimes how it would have gone had I had an open adoption, but one could look back and what-if all day long.
I look forward to the future. Graduations, marriages, grandchildren...all of it in due time.