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Home > Of Our Child's Birth Mother > How Can We Say Thank You? Adoption

How Can We Say Thank You?

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We wish to set today aside
and thank God for our son,
He’s made our lives complete at last
our hearts beat now as one.

We wish to thank the couple
who have set our child free,
Who have chosen us to be the best
parents we could be.

We promised them a lifetime
of love to give their son,
We’ll never ever let them down
for he’s our precious one.

We also made a promise
but this one to our son,
We promise him a future filled
with love, laughter and fun.

We’re a family now forever
and life is simply grand
The three of us will walk through life
together hand in hand…

(I wrote this poem & dedicate it to our son’s wonderful birthparents. We are forever grateful for their gift!! xoxo)

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